As a consequence of the merger with The Catholic Institute of Aotearoa New Zealand we have a new website, which replaces this one. For the latest information go to ctc.ac.nz
Good Shepherd College is open to all students, resident in New Zealand, who wish to study theology (and its related disciplines) in the Catholic tradition.
As a consequence of the merger with The Catholic Institute of Aotearoa New Zealand we have a new website, which replaces this one. For the latest information go to ctc.ac.nz
In Rorty, Religion, and Metaphysics, John Owens offers a superb engagement with Richard Rorty’s thought that patiently considers the challenges that Rorty offers to religion, ethics, and metaphysics. Far from drawing any easy conclusions, Owens invites readers to interrogate their own assumptions. This book is rigorous, exceptionally well written, and genuinely a pleasure to read. For those interested in not only figuring out what Rorty claims, but what should be claimed about religion after Rorty, this book sets a new standard.— Endorsement from J. Aaron Simmons
On July 30 the launch of Dr Sarah Hart’s new book took place at Good Shepherd College. A good number of colleagues and friends came for the occasion. The book is titled: From Temple to Tent, From Real to Virtual World (Exodus 24:15 – Numbers 10:28). The book was published this year, 2019, by ATF Press Publishing of Adelaide and is based on Dr Hart’s PhD thesis.
The work focuses on the tabernacle tent as described in the books of Exodus and Numbers, and the impact of this on Israelite worship – the cultic place, the cultic people, and laws for the regulation of cultic life.
Studiosity is now available 24 hours seven days a week. [24/7]
Studiosity has a new feature which will show up next time you use it – called “CITATION”
When you submit your assignment for review, Studiosity compares it with a large number of other documents on the web.
It will then alert you (in your feed back) to the fact that you may need to insert a citation (footnote) for the words you have used. It seems to tell you just where you need to show this and gives some suggestions about how to do it.
It is always provided when you submit an assignment but you may not wish to use it.
Thus in the ‘Writing Feedback’ service, you will now get additional help offered for your citations.
After a recent NZ Catholic Education Office (NZCEO) meeting with the NZ Education Council, Good Shepherd College is delighted to announce that its Bachelor of Theology degree is now recognized as a “suitable qualification for entry to secondary teacher training”. The Council recognizes that “every Catholic School has Religious Education as part of their programme and the demand to lead and teach [the programme] was strong”. The statistics indicate that Catholic Schools make up 8.4% of all schools in NZ so the Council recognizes the demand “is significant”.
NZCEO confirms that the Education Council will advise other Colleges of Education of this recognition.
This is good news for those graduates considering a teaching career.
Sr Elizabeth Snedden, lecturer in Pastoral Theology at Good Shepherd College, will be giving a lecture at the Mercy Spirituality Centre on Wednesday, 7 March 2018 from 10am-12noon.
In this Muffin Meeting (the $15 cost includes morning tea), participants will be encouraged to discover the action of God in their own lives, and to trust in the action of the Spirit calling them to question.
Make an email booking at http://www.mercyspiritualitycentre.org.nz or call the Mercy Spirituality Centre on 638 6238.
Good Shepherd College was saddened to hear of the death of former student, Graeme Blackburn, who was killed in a road accident Monday evening in Christchurch.
Graeme was a student at GSC from 2011 until mid 2017, & was ordained to the priesthood on 1 July 2017.
Good Shepherd College expresses its deepest sympathy to Graeme’s family on their loss.
Attendees at the Auckland and Wellington TCI-GSC public lecture on the document by Pope Francis on the Family – Amoris Laetitia – requested to hear more about it.
Dr Rocío Figueroa has obliged by recording four YouTube clips on the document which can be accessed by clicking on this link.
Elizabeth Ong, who studied Canon Law at Good Shepherd College, is the first married woman to be appointed by the Apostolic Signatura as a judge of canon law cases for the Catholic Church in New Zealand.
In New Zealand the diocesan ecclesiastical courts deal mainly with marriage cases, declarations of nullity or annulments. However this tribunal also deals with cases of rights within the church, such as disputes between a parish and the diocesan authorities. There are even trials for priests accused of misconduct. Elizabeth now has the competency to be a judge for any of these cases.